Reading Aids


Why Are Reading Aids Important In An Article On Improving Sex After Prostate Cancer?

Here Are Eight Reasons (pictures at bottom):

1. Reading is the Other Main Activity in the bedroom besides sleep and sex. It should be fun and comfortable as a compatible activity. Using our aids, two people can share the same bed and bedroom for longer. One of our devices lets you read on your back in bed. Another lets you read on your side in bed. Our Armchair Book and Device Holder works wonderfully with any armchair or sofa.

2. The proper reading tool is critical for exercising without boredom and discomfort at the gym on an Elliptical etc. Exercising, in turn, is critical for better romance. See our Read and Run page.

3. Reading comfortably is the best way to develop your fantasy life and imagination, as well as to learn.

4. Proper reading tools can help you get your work done sooner, leaving more time for romance.

5. Sharing with your partner what you have just read is a great beginning to the evening.

6. It is essential in modern life not to drop, loose, or misplace your phone. Quick and Easy access is also very important. Our Adjustable Lanyard will help you with all these things.

7. Perhaps most important, the proper reading device will prevent neck, back and shoulder pain from occurring and/or getting worse.

8. Recovering from prostate cancer has some “down” time and reading comfortably is very important for peace of mind, instruction, and entertainment.

Read in Bed with one of our Reading Aids
One of Many Reading Aids
Exercise For Sex After Prostatectomy
Partially rotated Reading Aid for reading on your side in bed.
Shows phone with Adjustable Lanyard in shirt pocket
Stop Dropping and Loosing Your iPhone; Easy Access
Reading in armchair with Reading Aid that has adjustable height, width, tilt , and distance

For more information on prostate cancer, contact the American Cancer Society.

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